“At Bernard Zins, we believe that elegance and responsibility are one. By combining artisanal know-how, sustainable materials and local manufacturing, we redefine the timeless look while respecting the planet and its inhabitants. Because creating exceptional pants also means preserving what connects us to tomorrow.”
-66% impact on global warming
Our range of organic cotton trousers have been designed to have the least impact on the planet.
The study* conducted by Lucioles and Deceo shows that our organic cotton trousers consume 66% less CO2 than other similar trousers from our competitors.

Ecological transition
The future is in organic fabrics and so we try as much as possible to choose ecological fibers and recycled fabrics.
First of all with our range of organic fabrics but also with our “Archive” range .
BERNARD ZINS currently offers a repair service to its customers in its Parisian boutiques.
Made in Europe , BERNARD ZINS aims to partially relocate its production to France, starting with a capsule collection that will be eco-designed and eco-manufactured.
* Study carried out between July and October 2024 by the firms Lucioles Conseil and Deceo. The study concerns the environmental assessment of our trousers, in collaboration with Ademe, France Relance and Agir pour la transition écologique.